My name is Jelte and I am the chairman of the committee. I am a fourth-year mechanical engineering student, and besides the IC tour committee, I am active in various committees of W.S.G. Isaac Newton.
As the chairman of this committee, I am responsible for leading the committee meetings and making and keeping track of the planning. Besides this, I will be arranging many affairs for the participants and I will be their first point of contact.
I like traveling a lot, so I am very much looking forward to the IC tour. I am confident that, together with the participants we will have a great experience!
Rogier Timmer
Secretary & Commissioner of Research
Hello, I am Rogier, a fourth year mechanical engineering student and very excited about the intercontinental study trip.
My function as secretary and commissioner of research mostly focuses on making sure the trip we are about to embark on has academic value such that the participants learn new skills and cultures. Next to this, I am responsible for arranging supervisors who will guild the participants on completing and will be grading the research done.
I can hardly wait to see how different Japan and Thailand are compared to our small country. I expect it to be completely different from anything I have ever experienced and am looking forward to November 2024!
Leanne van der Leij
My name is Leanne and I am the treasurer for the upcoming study trip. I am currently a third year mechanical engineering student, but taking an in between year to be the chairman of Apollo.
As treasurer of the committee I am responsible for the whole budget of the committee, which will be the biggest budget I will see during my student life. This is a great opportunity for me to learn how to handle such large money flows, which will definitely come in handy later in life.
I am really excited to organise this trip together with my other 6 committee members and see how we together can manage to solve all issues on the road. But mostly I am really thrilled to go to 2 amazing countries, visit interesting committees and have a great time with all participants!
Daan Eenkhoorn
Commissioner of External Affairs
Hi, my name is Daan and I am the commissioner of external affairs for this edition of the IC-Tour. Currently I am in my fifth year of mechanical engineering and hope to be doing my master’s once the trip has started.
As the commissioner of external affairs I am responsible for contacting companies that might be interested in sponsoring the study tour in exchange for work done by the participants. In other words, it is in my hands whether we eat wagyu or jasmine rice during our travels.
Either way I am very excited for the journey to come and the processes involved with organizing such a trip.
Andika Kaandorp
Commissioner of External Affairs
Hey, my name is Andika and I am the commissioner of external affairs. I am currently in my third year of mechanical engineering.
As the commissioner of external affairs I will be working with Daan to seek and secure sponsorships from companies that will help the study tour’s activities and research, in exchange for work by our participants.
I am a avid traveler and it’s very exciting to have the opportunity to organise this study tour to Japan and Thailand, with the rest of the committee.
Ivo Wevers
Travel Guide
Hey, my name is Ivo and I am one of the tour guides of the IC-tour committee. I am currently in the second year of my master in Mechanical Engineering and I am part of Solar Boat Twente.
As a tour guide, I will be responsible for ensuring that everything during the trip goes smoothly. This means that I have to organise activities, transportation and also visits to multiple relevant companies to achieve a memorable experience for all the participants.
I am looking forward to be a part of the group that is organising this amazing trip and hope to explore and learn a lot more about Japan and Thailand.